McDermott is committed to taking an active role to combat inequality and promote fairness. That’s why we’ve launched McDermott Rise Italy.

McDermott is committed to taking an active role to combat inequality and promote fairness. That’s why we’ve launched McDermott Rise Italy.

Through this program, we will provide a set of legal services, partly free of charge and partly with competitive proposals, on a rolling basis, to 5 entrepreneurs per year meeting the requisites described below.

Our legal services are designed to empower the entrepreneurs by offering specialized support in securing funding, navigating legal complexities, and fostering connections within the business ecosystem by creating a network of investors and market participants that can enable them to transform ambitions into concrete business opportunities, so supporting them on a path of cultural and organizational change.

We are committed to, among others:

  • Ensuring that “gender” is not a barrier to entrepreneurial success;
  • Bridging the legal services accessibility gap that penalizes entrepreneurs and startups operating in disadvantaged areas, to thrive for economic and social development;
  • Providing equal opportunities in the access to legal services to minority, LGBT entrepreneurs, and disabled entrepreneurs offering them assistance, relationships and resources tailored to their concrete needs), thus putting our business in the service of promoting and developing an inclusive economy.



We work with entrepreneurs, early-stage and emerging companies that have an innovative plan but could benefit of the boost provide by the cooperation of a top-ranked international law firm.

McDermott Rise Italy is led by a dedicated team of McDermott lawyers with first class experience handling issues vital to the success of growing businesses, and in particular:

  • Legal structuring of the business model and the incorporation of the corporate vehicle, also with a view to optimizing the fiscal, economic and financial effects for the parties involved;
  • Capitalization phase;
  • Resolution of post-investment issues, including recapitalization requirements or new finance, new investment rounds;
  • Regulating relations between the founders and between the latter and investors;
  • Extraordinary corporate and financial transactions aimed at supporting the business growth;
  • Banking and financial matters;
  • Structuring incentive plans;
  • Defining governance structures;
  • Ordinary corporate matters;
  • Commercial contracts;
  • Employment matters;
  • Managing all profiles related to privacy protection and the implementation of a cybersecurity model;
  • Litigation;
  • General day-by-day assistance;
  • Tax matters;
  • Criminal liability of entities;
  • Registration and securing intellectual property rights;
  • Other areas pertinent to business growth.
In addition to providing a set of free legal services, we will tap into our best-in-class global network and resources to connect our McDermott Rise Italy members with venture capital firms, private equity funds, incubators, accelerators, institutional representatives and management consultancy firms. We will also offer complimentary event attendance, bootcamps, office hours and other exclusive benefits. And as these ventures grow and flourish, we’ll offer flexible-fee arrangements to allow to benefit of our support also in the future.



The program is open to entrepreneurs in any industry.

You are an entrepreneur that is going to start your own business, an early-stage or an emerging company.

We work with:

  • Entrepreneurs/startups operating in disadvantaged business areas (e.g., those outlined in the Italian PNRR);
  • Entrepreneurs/startups benefitting of contribution for the business development of disadvantaged areas (e.g., those outlined in the Italian PNRR);
  • Female entrepreneurs;
  • Companies with a significant representation of women in the core leadership team/workforce (i.e., at least 50%);
  • Companies abiding to the best practices for women representation;
  • Companies engaged in products/services for women;
  • Companies whose mission is to fight any inequality between men and women;
  • Entrepreneurs belonging to any kind of minority;
  • Companies with a significant representation of minorities in the core leadership team/workforce (i.e., at least 50%);
  • Companies abiding to the best practices for representation of minorities;
  • Companies whose mission is to fight any minority discrimination.
In evaluating the applications and choosing the participants to the program we will give extra credits to the following applicants:
  • Young entrepreneurs
    • Young entrepreneurs (i.e., under 35).
    • Companies whose core leadership team/workforce is mainly composed of young professionals.
    • Companies abiding to the best practices for representation of young professionals.
    • Companies whose mission is to help young professionals to succeed.
    • LGBTQIA+ entrepreneurs.
    • Companies whose core leadership team/workforce is mainly composed of LGBTQIA+ professionals.
    • Companies abiding to the best practices for representation of LGBTQIA+ professionals.
    • Companies whose mission is to help LGBTQIA+ professionals to succeed.
    • ESG
      • Entrepreneurs/startups engaged in ESG sectors.
      • Entrepreneurs/startups engaged in the ecological transition.
      • Companies abiding to the best ESG practices.


Elements of a strong application may include the following:

  • Business plan or executive summary.
  • Dynamic and deeply engaged management team.
  • Disruptive business model that solves an important problem.
  • Intellectual property or technology.
  • Well-researched product market or audience.

Applications will be reviewed by the McDermott Rise Italy leadership committee.



To view full details of the Italian program, please visit our FAQ page.

Related Site:     McDermott+

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